The case of the disappearing posters ...
Have you ever placed posters advertising local events on lamp posts and telegraph poles in Haddenham, only to see them disappear ahead of the date for the event being advertised?
Hardly a case for Chief Inspector Barnaby ... still less our local PCSO.
There's no major mystery to be solved here. It's all about keeping the village looking a little more neat and tidy than might otherwise be the case.
A recent enquiry made to Haddenham Parish Council about the loss of posters drew this formal response from the Clerk:
"I need to point out that putting up posters on telegraph poles and street light columns is fly-posting and, if no permission has been sought, the Parish Council under devolved services agreement with Bucks County Council (who is the highway authority) has the power to remove them.
It is a regular occurrence that posters are put up without permission and are often not taken down after the event. This leads to a really untidy appearance in the village so the Parish Council does remove some of these posters. I do not know if others remove the posters, but I have heard that children may play Frisbees with laminated posters!?
If you would like to advertise your events with a reasonable number of posters around the village, do please let me know in future so I can give you permission and then let the handyman and Councillors who keep the village tidy know to leave them up.
A requirement of granting permission will be that the posters are taken down within a few days after the event. We need to maintain a balance between helping community groups promote their events and keeping the village tidy.
The Parish Council is aware that more noticeboards are needed around the village and is working with Rotary and U3A to arrange the installation of more."
Note from the Editor:
It may be useful and relevant to point out that receives approximately 1,100 hits per day and we do our best to promote as many events and activities as we possibly can – as long as organisers let us know about them. We also place key notices into the public domain via our Facebook and Twitter feeds.
One article posted on and its social media in the last few days was read by over 1,700 people in the first five hours of publication. This is unlikely to be matched by telegraph pole posters.
And before Freda reminds us that not everyone uses the internet (!) does provide a very rapid and (hopefully) user-friendly means of advertising events in Haddenham, is free of charge and incurs less wear and tear of thumbs and shoe leather! And if you carry a modern mobile telephone, you have instant access to our community website.