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Disingenuous AVDC?

by Haddenham Webteam – 8th March 2015
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Here's the latest utterance from AVDC as published in the March 2015 edition of 'Vale Times'. If you've followed the Aston Road development saga, it makes for interesting reading. Any comments? Please let us know via the Share & Chat section.

AVDC writes:
"In January we received the fantastic news that three unplanned developments, consisting of a total of almost 6,000 homes, had been turned down by the government.

The plans would have seen 3,000 homes between Aylesbury and Weston Turville, almost 3,000 in Fleet Marston, west of Berryfields, and up to 220 homes at Weedon Hill, just north of Buckingham Park.

The decision by the Secretary of State vindicates our determination to vigorously oppose these unplanned developments.

We're fully aware that thousands of new houses will be required in Aylesbury Vale in the future
to meet the needs of a growing community, but we strongly believe that the future level and direction of growth should be through the proper development plan process, which is already
well underway.

The new local plan will set out future housing figures for the whole of the Vale for the next 18 years. Our district's assessment of the housing and economic needs should be completed by April.

We expect to find out how many homes from neighbouring authorities we may need to make provision for by the autumn – the council has a legal 'duty to co-operate' with nearby authorities who don't have the space to build new homes, for example because the land is protected as green belt.

After an initial consultation in October we will then release our plan showing where the homes should go, which will be subject to formal examination, which we expect to be in 2016."

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