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Dom's Progress

by Olimpia Festa – 23rd July 2013
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Haddenham.net is pleased to publish an update on Dom's progress, following his stroke in early May. The following news is from his step daughter, Olimpia.

Dom is doing really well, and he continues to make good progress day by day in the rehabilitation centre in Amersham.

He did have a slight set back on the 14th July, when he was rushed back to A&E in Stoke Mandeville Hospital, complaining of chest pains. However, after diagnostic tests were conducted, we are delighted to say that everything now seems fine, and he has returned to Amersham.

He is having physiotherapy twice a day, which concentrates on improving the movement of his arms and legs, as well as his breathing muscles and his swallowing. He still has issues with his left side, but even that is making gradual progress, albeit very slowly.

Dom doesn't remember the actual stroke event but recent hospital visitors have told him how much better he now looks compared to a month or two ago, when he was still unconscious. Unsurprisingly, it came as a major shock to Dom when he learned that he had been unconscious for several weeks.

Domenic would like to thank everyone who has offered financial support and encouragement, and the well wishers who have been to see him, and helped to keep him feeling positive. Inevitably, after such a major health event, remaining positive can be a challenge for him at times. So your continuing prayer support is appreciated.

Visits from close friends are potentially possible, but please contact the neuro-rehabilitation centre (which is based at Amersham Hospital) first – just in case Dom is not able to receive visitors. It is most important that his emotional needs are taken into account.

Cards and Messages
Gemma, a Haddenham resident who works in Amersham hospital has kindly offered to deliver cards or written messages to Dom. Please let us know if you would like us to put you in contact with Gemma

If you know Dom well, and wish to send him an audio-message, this can be achieved quite easily. Many modern mobile phones will allow you to record and save an audio-file. If you forward this to the editor of this website, he will ensure that Dom gets to hear your greeting. Alternatively, attach your mp3 file to an email and send it to this website and we will be happy to assist.

Potential contact details:
Amersham Hospital, NeuroRehab Unit – Telephone: 01494 734 102
Website Editor – Mobile: 07702 952 936
Editor's Email: haddenham.net@hotmail.com

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