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by Haddenham Webteam – 29th December 2015
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If you've enjoyed a little too much festive food and drink this Christmas and need a friendly helping hand, look no further than Haddenham Slimming World! The village group, which meets at St Mary's CE School in Aston Road, has stayed open throughout the holidays to help existing members stay on track and is looking forward to welcoming lots of new members at its first meeting of 2016 at 5.30pm or 7.30pm on Thursday 7th January.

There are loads of free membership offers available throughout January to give you a great start to the New Year. The first of these are in Woman Magazine on sale 29th December to 4th January (voucher valid until 11th Jan), The Daily Mirror and Sunday Mirror on sale 2nd and 3rd January (voucher valid until 10th Jan) and Bella magazine on sale 5th to 11th January (voucher valid until 18th Jan).

Simply cut out the voucher and bring along to the Haddenham group to give you free membership, which means you pay just £4.95 (£4.65 for over 60s) in your first week!

Thanks to Slimming World's generous and easy to follow healthy eating plan, local ladies, men and young people have shed hundreds of pounds between them and lives have been literally transformed.

Since the Haddenham group first opened almost 2 years ago more than 20 members have already achieved their Target weight and are still there! You can be assured of a very warm welcome, masses of support and encouragement, whether you have 7lb or 7 stone to lose.

To find out more, call Francesca Flaxton on 07554 141810 or please just come along on Thursdays at 5.30pm or at 7.30pm from 7th January.

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