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Draughty Home?

by Haddenham Webteam – 23rd January 2014
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Draught-proofing Project to Reduce Heating Bills

Haddenham in Transition (the local community environmental group) is launching an Air Tightness Testing Project to dramatically improve draught-proofing and reduce fuel bills for local householders.

Following the success of their Thermal Imaging Campaign, (finalist in Climate Week National Awards), they now expect to further reduce heating costs for local residents.

The project is funded by Bucks County Council and AVDC with support from the Haddenham Beer Festival and delivered by trained volunteers from Haddenham in Transition. They use air tightness testing equipment to quickly and effectively identify drafts and areas of heat loss and offer draught proofing advice to householders.

There is no charge for the survey and advice although donations towards ongoing costs are very welcome. The group intends to offer free help with simple draught-proofing remedial work to fuel poor households spending more than 10% of their income on heating costs. (A household is said to be fuel poor if it needs to spend more than 10% of its income on fuel to maintain a satisfactory heating regime – usually 21 degrees C for the main living area, and 18 degrees C for other occupied rooms.)

The HiT volunteers will survey each room in the home identifying draughts either by simply using the back of the hand, through thermal imaging or by using a smoke pencil, a device that produces a tiny plume of smoke blown inwards by the draught. The overall survey will take about 45 minutes and a visual report will be left with the householder.

How to apply for a survey or to volunteer to help:
By Email: haddenhamtransition@gmail.com or
Bt Telephone: Greg Smith on 01844 290331

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