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Easier Access for a Rural Walk

by Haddenham Webteam – 28th March 2014
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wychert way gate 02wychert way gate 03

Stile-free walks from Haddenham take several steps forward

Stiles along the footpaths from Haddenham to Cuddington and Dinton, and most of the route to Chearsley as well as the route from Chearsley to Cuddington are being replaced by gates.

The programme, initiated by the Haddenham Safe Walking and Cycling Group and funded by the BCC Local Area Forum, is well underway and a total of 26 gates will be installed by the end of March.

The stile replacement programme forms the first phase of a plan to significantly reduce the number of stiles on the 12 miles Wychert Way and the connecting links to nearby villages.

The Wychert Way is already way-marked with green roundels and the links with orange roundels, funded by the Haddenham Beer Festival. A guide leaflet is in preparation and there will be detailed information here on Haddenham.net with the more details of the route.

So, even if you're not a committed rambler, some delightful rural walks are now easily accessible and the Spring and Summer weather is nearly upon us ...

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