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Easing of Lockdown

by Christina Jeffery – 7th July 2020
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lockdown easing 04

Community Library
Haddenham Community Library is now open on two mornings a week – from 10am-1pm on Tuesdays and Fridays. You can return the books you borrowed before the lockdown closure, although no fines will be charged on these until after July 31, so there's no need to go in immediately. You will also be able to borrow books from the library's own shelves, but not reserve books which are held in other libraries. Social distancing and hygiene measures will be in place, of course.

You can see more detailed information about the Library here.

Tickety Brew Café
Tickety Brew Café, on Banks Parade, has now opened for eat-in and takeaways on Mondays to Fridays from 9am-2pm, and on Saturdays from 9.30am-1.30pm. As there will be a reduced number of tables inside the café you may prefer to book a place by phoning 291059. Otherwise take pot luck, and you may have to sit outside. Customers will be permitted to stay for just one hour, to allow other people a chance to find a vacant table.

This Fort End café is still only doing takeaways – of salads, bacon sarnies and drinks – but is open Wednesdays-Saturdays from 8am-2pm and Sundays from 9am-2pm. Payment by card only.

Haddenham Garden Centre
Haddenham Garden Centre is now open now open seven days a week – from 9am-5pm on Mondays to Saturdays and from 10.30am-4.30pm on Sundays. The Gardeners' Retreat Restaurant reopened on Sunday with suitable safety measures in place – see the centre's Facebook page for more information. Please see the website www.haddenhamgardencentre.co.uk/ for rules on visiting the centre during lockdown.

Blooming Fruity
As from this week, Blooming Fruity on Banks Parade will be open for longer hours – on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am-5pm and on Saturdays from 9am-1pm. It will also be open on Wednesday mornings, from from 9-12 noon.

Bradmoor Farm
The Bradmoor Farm shop in Stanbridge Road is now open as follows: Tuesday-Saturday from 9am-5pm; closed on Sundays and Mondays.

The Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity shop at the back of Bradmoor Farm has now reopened. The hours for browsing are Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10am-4pm, but they can only accept donated goods if you make an appointment for a specific drop-off time. To donate goods please book a free time slot at one of our donation drop-off stations including Bradmooor Farm, Stanbridge Road, Haddenham, via https://fnhospice.digitickets.co.uk/category/27965 or by phoning 01296 429975. At time of writing the first available slots are at the very end of July.

You are asked to arrive on time and you may be turned away if you arrive too early or late. Donations should be made in sealed bags or boxes with any Gift Aid number on the outside of each bag or box. Please only donate items that are in a clean saleable condition – this will help to reduce waste costs and staff handling. Bulky or electrical items cannot be accepted at present. The shop can only accept pre-booked donations and will turn donors away who arrive without a booking. And please do not leave donations outside the shop when closed.

St Mary's Parish Church
St Mary's church will now be open on Wednesdays between 10am & 2pm for private prayer. Please respect the social distancing guidance to ensure the safety of all visitors.

Alan Rose, chairman of Haddenham Museum Trust, has announced that the museum is reopening on Sundays from 2-4pm. Much work has been done, especially by trustee Ken Perry, to make the premises suitable for social distancing and it is now possible to follow a one-way route inside the museum. The route will be shown with arrows on the floor at two-metre intervals.

Surprisingly the new layout also makes for a better presentation of the displays and it makes the museum seem bigger with much more to see.

There are, of course, safety measures in place to avoid the chance of contacting any imported viruses. The entrance door can be opened and closed using one's arm or elbow and there are screens at the desk and office door. There's a hand sanitiser with a proximity sensor and anti-viral wipes and disposable gloves available if required. The front door has a glass panel so that you can see if the way is clear before entering or leaving. There will also be signs to guide visitors to enter down the side path and leave by the back gate.

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