Haddenham & District Rotary are hosting a Charity Quiz Evening to raise funds for an extremely worthy cause – the eradication of Polio.
The event will be held at the Youth & Community Centre on Saturday 10th November, 7.15pm for 7.30pm start, and will include a Raffle with attractive prizes.
Tickets are £12.50 which includes a Ploughman's Supper and Dessert
Guests should bring their own drinks and cutlery, please
Tickets can be obtained by email request to: info@haddenham-rotary.org.uk
Or by SMS Text or Phone to: 07783 057702
As always, tables of eight – organisers will be pleased to seat you with others to make up a team if you buy fewer than 8 tickets
For every £1.00 we raise, the Bill Gates Foundation gives £2.00. There are no administration costs – all funds go directly to end polio.
So far, $1.8 BILLION has been raised by Rotary and OVER 2 BILLION children vaccinated
1988: Reported 350,000 cases of this paralysing disease in 125 countries
2018: Reported 14 cases worldwide – over 99.9% reduction
Polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan
Please help us with the last difficult steps to total eradication.