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Ever Considered Fostering?

by Haddenham Webteam – 13th March 2018
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fostering poster

There are currently around 450 children in care in Buckinghamshire. However 'Foster for Bucks' has only have 120 foster carers.

The County Council wants to keep Bucks children in Bucks so they can stay close to friends and places and communities they are familiar with.

They need your help to achieve that.

Foster carers do an amazing job of giving children the care and support they need at what may be a really difficult time in their lives.

Opening up your home to one of these children will make a huge difference to their lives and to yours too.

Although 'Foster for Bucks' needs foster carers for all children, they're specifically looking for foster carers for teenagers, sibling groups and children from minority ethnic groups.

A number of information sessions are being held, as follows:

  • Wednesday 14th March, 7pm at The Hub, Easton Street, High Wycombe, HP11 1NJ
  • Thursday 3rd May, 7pm at Buckingham Opportunities Centre, Well Street, Buckingham, MK18 1EN
  • Wednesday 9th May, 7pm, Coleshill Village Hall, Barracks Hill, Coleshill, Amersham, HP7 0LN

Or for online information, see the website

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