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Farewell to Amanda

by Haddenham Webteam – 6th September 2018
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Those of us who have got to know Amanda Pink well since she was inducted as the minister of Haddenham-cum-Dinton Baptist Church are very saddened to learn that she will be leaving us shortly to return to Kent where her family are based.

Her formal appointment at the Baptist Church officially finishes at the end of September, but she has a holiday booked from Saturday 22nd so her last Sunday will be 16th September (which is the Harvest service and lunch). Amanda will be moving out of the house in the first week of October.

Amanda first came to Haddenham as a Student Minister in September 2013, whilst training at Regents Park College Oxford, and was pleased to take up her full role in Haddenham after being ordained in 2016.

More recently people may have spotted her in another key role – serving coffee in Tickety Brew on Banks

Members of the Haddenham Baptist Church were made aware of Amanda's decision to leave in July.

Her long-term plans are to explore the possibility of continuing her ministry in the form of Chaplaincy. However, in the short term, she will be returning to Kent to be nearer to her family and taking some time out before choosing her next step.

Amanda said: "I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to live in this beautiful village and to be part of its warm and active community. I will treasure the friendships I have found here and the kindness and support I have experienced from the church and the wider community."

Amanda has been a wonderful asset to Haddenham and delightful person to get to know. Her natural ability to reach out and form warm friendships with people of all ages and from all walks of life will leave a legacy of fond memories in this village.

We wish her well on her next chapter in life and hope that she will keep in touch with those who have grown to love her during her time in Haddenham.

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