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Full Fibre for Haddenham?

by David Foulkes – 16th September 2020
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fast fibre broadband

Haddenham is scheduled to get Full Fibre Broadband next year, one of 11 places in Buckinghamshire. This is well on the way to being delivered in Marlow.

The important thing is that this is not just another broadband supplier over the existing BT lines. This is a complete new infrastructure.

Cables will go along BT ducts and poles where possible but some will be under pavements and verges. Each house will end up with a small box in the pavement outside.

Those wishIng to buy into the new facility will then get a fibre laid from the box to the house.

Speed is expected to be 10 gigabits per second. This is the fastest in the UK and way faster than anything currently available.

Arguably the most significant aspect of this roll out is that it will be completely separate and have no connection with the current BT set up. Openreach (part of BT) will not be involved.

David Foulkes

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