Results and Feedback from the 2023 Haddenham Scarecrow Festival
Once again the residents of Haddenham took up the challenge to collectively create another fantastic show of creativity for our 8th annual Scarecrow Festival.
There were 78 official entries, plus several "extras", so that's over 80 displays in total. Every single entry is valued, created with care, humour and community spirit. Thank you to everyone for taking part – each creator will receive a Certificate of Participation.
We are very grateful for the donations made so far in support of this year's chosen charities – Emmett's Genies and the Hat & Boots Restoration Appeal. We will continue to welcome donations until the end of June and will announce the total raised in early July. If you have not yet had an opportunity to do so, donations can be made in cash delivered to 7 Dovecote, HP17 8BP or online at:
Although not organised solely as a competition, villagers were invited to vote for their 3 favourites. The votes have been carefully counted and verified. The three most popular scarecrows have each received Afternoon Tea for Two vouchers generously donated by Haddenham Garden Centre and a Bottle of Prosecco donated by Harpers Estate Agents who sponsored the 2023 Map.
1st Favourite – No 45 Save our CHUF Preschool – are you on board? by CHUF
CHUF preschool has entered the Scarecrow Festival for the last 4 years. CHUF representative Sarah said "The children enjoy helping to make the scarecrows and seeing their work on show in the village. CHUF is proud to be part of such a lovely event. This year was extra special for us because the preschool is currently at risk. We urgently need to find new premises after being given notice to leave our current site at St Mary's School".
CHUF, which is a charity, has been nurturing children in the village for over 20 years and they have earned a reputation as an exceptional preschool with long waiting lists. Sarah is appealing for more help: "We need the community to please support CHUF to ensure we can continue to provide high quality preschool education in Haddenham".
2nd Favourite – No 44 Paddington's London Adventures by Stephanie and Stuart Moore
This is the 6th year that Stephanie has entered the Scarecrow Festival and she always creates displays for each of her grandchildren. This year she created her entry for 3-year-old grandson Jasper.
Stephanie's Paddington has been adored and much admired by so many during the Festival, including one local family who stopped outside to say hello to him every single day. They asked Stephanie if they could adopt him into their loving home in return for a donation to Emmett's Genies charity.
So Paddington's Adventures continue – you may not have seen the last of him! Stephanie said "I have more grandchildren to make scarecrows for in the next few years and then I may have to go round them all again!"
3rd Favourite – No 16 Bill and Ben Returns by Little Hoppers Daycare
Little Hoppers Daycare owner, Corinne Banham said "We are very excited to receive our 3rd place in this year's scarecrow festival. We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to place their vote.. Bill and Ben originally entered some 5 years ago and wanted to make a comeback. It has been a fantastic opportunity for Little Hoppers Daycare to be a part of this community event".
Corinne was a member of Girlguiding for nearly 20 years before she gave up to raise her family. She adds "I'm sure I'll back in Guiding soon! It is important to me to show my support in any way I can to the Scout and Guide Association in recognition of all their hard work to support local children, giving them a safe space to have fun".
She continues "The children have really enjoyed taking walks to have a look at all the wonderful ideas people have had. My own favourite was finding all the B's!"
Including the 3 above, the 12 entries that received the most votes were:
4. The Caterpillar who loved Boots by Rachel Clark
5. Emmett's Genie by the Lewis Family
6. Ragnar the Ridiculous by Sheerstock Vikings
7. Humpty Dumpty sat on Long Wall by the Thompson Family
8. The Village Pirates by Cherry Waller
9. Matilda and Miss Honey's Happily Ever After by Laura, Chris and girls
10.Mario and Luigi by Lottie and Eddie
11.(joint) Marigold by The Ackroyds and Pokemon 'Gotta catch a Poliwag' by Jonah Hawkes & Cooper Rattray and 'There's been a murder on the lane...' by the Residents of Fern Lane
12.(joint) Robin Hood by Franklin Towers and Dave's Web by Fisher
Other popular entries receiving multiple votes were: "I Spy- something beginning with B" (Pam Harding), Crows before Hose (Coupe Family), Cat in the Hat meets Puss in Boots (Haddenham U3A), One man meant to mow (Richard Whittaker) and Crocodile Rock (Newman-Jacques).
Haddenham Scarecrow Festival was set up by the Haddenham Association of Scouts and Guides in 2016 partly as a fundraising community event, but also to raise the profile of Scouting and Guiding in the village. We are delighted that all the children's units are full and running successfully after lockdowns and leader shortages.
On behalf of the Scout and Guide Association, I would like to say a special thank you to:
The photos can be seen here
Here are some of this year's comments from residents and visitors:
"Very difficult to choose – I had a shortlist of 12!"
"As always, well done to everyone for coming up with brilliant ideas and turning them into scarecrows to brighten up our walks round the village"
"Brilliant display of scarecrows, grandchildren loved them"
"Thanks for another awesome scarecrow festival! We'd love for it to go on maybe a week longer as we struggle to get round all of them in the short 2 weeks"
"I drove around the village with my 85 year old mother looking at all the scarecrows. Well done to all those who entered such a lovely community event. However we did love Paddington! Also the map was really useful and clear".
"So many great entries once again! :)"
"Congratulations on another amazing festival!"
Well done and thank you Haddenham. I'm looking forward to next year already!
Francesca Flaxton
20 June 2023
Pictured are:
1. Sarah and Kimmy from CHUF – voted No 1 Favourite
2. Francesca Flaxton with Stephanie Moore & Paddington – voted No 2 Favourite
3. Corinne, staff and children from Little Hoppers Daycare with Bill and Ben – voted No 3 Favourite
4. Penny from Harpers Estate Agents who sponsored the Map and donated prizes