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Festive Trail 2022

by Haddenham Webteam – 15th November 2022
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The Haddenham Festive Trail is a village-wide event, initially set up to bring light and joy during lockdown in December 2020. It has now become an annual fundraising event organised by volunteers for the benefit of the local community.

This year, we are once again inviting Haddenham residents, individuals, families, whole streets, community organisations, local businesses, schools, nurseries and pre-schools to create an outdoor festive display to bring joy to the community. An online map will be created so that people can take a walk around the village to follow the Trail.

We are very aware of increasing energy costs and do not want anyone to feel obliged to use electric lights, although we have been advised that most fairy lights are LEDs or operate on a low voltage via transformers, so they use very little power. As an alternative, lit displays could include battery or solar powered lights and unlit displays are also encouraged, which could include festive wreaths, stars, decorated trees, nativity scenes, seasonal tableau ...in fact the only limit is your imagination!

If your display includes lights, please try to light up your display for part of every evening between 3rd and 31st December. On Saturday 3rd December, there will be a village wide collective "Switch On" 4-5pm in the Banks Park area – full details will be publicised shortly.

To enter, you can download a form from the haddenham.net website or collect a paper form from Blooming Fruity or request a form by email from us at haddenhamfestivetrail@gmail.com In order to be included on the official Festive Trail Map, forms must be returned by midnight on Monday 28th November. The Trail Map will include all entries received by the deadline. Late entries can still go ahead, but regrettably will not be on the official Map and therefore cannot be voted for.

There will be an opportunity for everyone to vote for their 3 favourite displays with a prize for the three most popular entries. We will publicise further details about where to obtain maps and how to vote at a later date.

There is no charge to enter. We know these are difficult times and we are inviting everyone to take part, whether or not you are in a position to make a donation.

Any donations received will go towards the Haddenham Baptist Church "Hat and Boots Restoration Appeal" which is raising funds to pay for essential repairs to the Witchert chapel in Stockwell. Donations are invited in any of the following ways:

1.Online here

2. By cash or cheque payable to Haddenham Baptist Church

3. By bank transfer to Haddenham-cum-Dinton Baptist Church, Barclays Bank, Sort Code: 20-85-73, Account no: 20437956, Ref: Festive Trail 22

We look forward to receiving your entries. Thank you for your support.

Francesca Flaxton and Mary Miller
2022 Festive Trail Organisers
15th November 2022

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