The 4th Haddenham Festive Trail opens today (Saturday 2nd December) when lights throughout the village will be switched on from 4pm onwards.
A big thank you to all those who signed up for this year's Trail, which includes almost 40 displays.
The online Trail Map is included on this webpage – see the PDF – plus a List of Displays, which includes details about the name and creator of each one. To get the most out the Trail, we recommend referring to both documents on your mobile device as you walk around the village.
The majority of displays will be switching on this weekend until 31st December but some will be on view later this month (dates are on the list). In addition to the registered displays there will of course be many other lights on houses throughout the village to enjoy along the way.
The Festive Trail is a free community event run by volunteers. This year we are inviting optional donations in aid of Thame Foodbank. Full details about how to donate are included at the end of the list.
Start with the Three Wise Men at the top of the Trail Map or begin anywhere you like.....follow the stars and see how many you can find!
Merry Christmas!
Francesca Flaxton
2nd December 2023