Final Civic Service for AVDC brings County Notables to Haddenham
St Mary's Haddenham was the chosen venue on Sunday 8th March 2020, for a service to mark the ending of the Aylesbury Vale District Council and the completion of Councillor Judy Brandis's role as its Chair. It was an occasion that saw the largest turnout of gold-chained notables that the church will have seen for many a year.
Entering through a guard of senior sea cadets came the Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire, Sir Henry Aubrey Fletcher, his deputy Aylesbury Crown Court Judge Francis Sheridan, the Earl and Countess of Buckinghamshire, Colonel John Williams, the Mayor of Aylesbury, numerous mayors and chairmen of councils and our very new Member of Parliament, Greg Smith.
The service was led by The Venerable Gordon Kuhrt, former Archdeacon of Lewisham now living in Haddenham. He and Judy Brandis spoke on the theme of change, climate and otherwise. We had rousing hymns ('I vow to thee my country') led by Olive Kuhrt, a Bach violin piece played by Chris Nurse, a harp étude played by young Haddenham resident Yifan Wong, readings by John and Judy Brandis and some wise advice from their son Matthew and grandson Tom.
Also present was Shushana Kendrick, trustee of NEST, Judy's charity of the year, which supports parents of children under five in Aylesbury Vale. A collection was made for NEST and St Mary's.
The service was a charming and unusual mix of high ceremony, for the passing of AVDC, and homely local contributions, and it will be long remembered for that. It was an honour for Haddenham to welcome such a distinguished array and a tribute to a councillor who has served the village and the Vale with diligence and judgment over many years.
Andrew Gordon
Featured in the photograph, left to right are: Greg Smith MP, Lord Lieutenant Sir Henry Aubrey Fletcher, Cllr. Judy Brandis, Mike Smith Mayor of Aylesbury, HH Judge Francis Sheridon DL, Colonel John Williams and Senior Sea Scout Cadets from Milton Keynes.