A final version of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) has been published online today in advance of the VALP scrutiny meeting on Tuesday 26th September, starting at 6.30pm at the Gateway. Cabinet will consider the plan on Tuesday 10th October and Council on Wednesday 18th October, both at the same time and place.
This is the final stage of consideration in the public arena and will be followed by an opportunity for the public to comment on the plan. The consultation will run from Thursday 2 November to Thursday 14 December. Comments made at this stage will be sent to the examiner who can make amendments to the plan.
Government are currently consulting on a new methodology for calculating housing need, however the consultation document proposes transitional arrangements which state that provided we submit the plan for examination by 31 March 2018, the new methodology will not have to be used for our plan. Subject to the plan being approved for publication by Council in October, we intend to submit the plan in January 2018 following the period of public comment.
When it is finalised and approved by the government examiner, probably in 2018, VALP will manage and direct growth up to 2033.
The plan can be viewed here: www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/localplan
Members of the public are welcome to come along and hear AVDC councillors discussing the plan at any of the three meetings.
The council meeting can also be watched live online at: www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk/webcasts