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Flexing Body & Mind

by Haddenham Webteam – 28th February 2017
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gail smith yoga 01yoga classes in library

The Community Library is a very well regarded village asset, primarily for its wide range of reading, listening and viewing resources to broaden the minds of young and old. But did you know that the Library also provides a venue for flexing one's body as well as one's imagination?

Since last Summer, Gail Smith has been offering yoga classes in Haddenham Community Library.

"What a fantastic place to hold a yoga class!" says Gail.

"My aim has always been to use local community facilities as the venue for my yoga classes. Over the years I have deliberately chosen to teach in church, school and village halls instead of being tempted into gyms or studios. What an opportunity to be offered Haddenham Library as a venue. Libraries are the cornerstones of the community and the Haddenham Library offers a very attractive space."

"So, how amazing to practice yoga in a space where you are surrounded by millions of words about life, wellness, love, nature – very, very special."

"Yoga, like books, has been around for thousands of years and in my opinion (and just like reading books) anybody and every BODY can practice yoga."

"My passion is to teach in a way that builds body awareness, how the things we do in our daily lives can create stiffness, illness, injury and how through simple practices we all have the opportunity to do something for ourselves to create positive change."

In class Gail leads a blend of yoga, mindfulness, self-massage and other techniques to help balance the physical, mental and emotional stresses created by our fast-paced and demanding lifestyles.

Adding this blend of mindful movement, therapeutic alternatives and restorative yoga to a session helps relax and balance the nervous system, reinforce muscle memory, release tension and stress, deepen mental calm, facilitate relaxation and promote restful sleep.

For further details visit Gail's website or email gailsmithyogauk@gmail.com

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