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Folk Attractions

by Haddenham Webteam – 28th October 2015
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Haddenham Ceilidhs return to Haddenham on Saturday 7th November.

For the Ceilidh in the Main Hall dancing starts at 8.00pm with music from The Diatonics and Sheena Masson calling, plus a short dance display from Rockhopper Morris and maybe a song from Vin Garbutt.

The concert in the intimate Walter Rose Room will start at 8.45pm with a short spot from compere, Kitty Vernon, followed by a 20-minute spot from Jane Stovold and Brian Fattorini and then two 45 minutes spots from the main guest of the evening, Vin Garbutt. It will be a rare opportunity to see Vin in such an intimate venue – most of his performances are on the big stage so don't miss this one!

Doors open 7.15pm, dancing starts at 8pm. £11 admission lets you dance or enjoy the concert or perhaps a bit of both! Organisers rarely put up "House Full " signs as the village hall provides a wonderful venue but if you are concerned about gaining admission on the evening, just email or telephone and organisers will reserve a ticket for you on the door.

Full details of the Haddenham Ceilidhs' programme up to June 2016, including the festival on 5th December are available on the Haddenham Ceilidhs' website

For more information, contact John at: Action Folk , John's House, 5 Church Street, Aylesbury, Bucks. HP20 2QP. Tel: 07717 047039: Email: john@actionfolk.co.uk Or visit the website

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