The members of Kaleidoscope would like to thank the residents of Haddenham and the surrounding villages for their very generous donations to the Sharing Life Trust which enabled them to hand over a cheque for £611.70 to one of their representatives last week.
This will enable them to offer support in paying any urgent electricity bills needed by an increasing number of people during the pandemic and to buy additional food.
We were delighted with the amount raised and would also like to thank The Haddenham Thursday Club for their very generous donation.
The boxes inside Morrisons, The Co-Op and Londis have continued to overflow with contributions and to date we have taken 25 large bags of food items to their depot in Thame.
In view of your continuing generous support we have decided, with the agreement of the shops involved, to keep the boxes in place until the lockdown eases, when those who are unable to work from home can return to their paid employment.