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Footballers Cry Foul!

by HYFC – 23rd March 2016
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dog poo 03

Dog poo always kicks up a stink, but recently it has been rife on the sports pitches around Haddenham.

The football pitches at the airfield site has seen quite an increase in dog mess over the last few months, which delays matches and coaching preparations because the boys cannot play on a pitch where there is dog poo. It poses serious health risks as diseases carried in dog muck can cause serious illness and disability to humans. It can cause blindness as a result of the roundworm parasite, Toxocara; E. Coli infection or extreme stomach cramps.

Even though the airfield pitches is a canine exclusion area, dog owners walk their pets in flagrant disregard of the 'no dogs allowed' signs erected by the youth football club, and then fail to pick up their animals' mess. The same issue applies at the playing fields at Woodways where children as young as six can easily run, trip or fall upon dog mess because the owners have not picked the poo up.

More signs need to be erected around the playing field area to hopefully remind people of their responsibilities. Let's hope that the volunteer 'dog wardens' (i.e, responsible owners) can also do their bit, by reporting offenders – those who allow their dogs to foul and do nothing to clear up the mess.

The Parish Council have a duty to clear up any litter in these areas, but never the dog poo, the sports volunteers have to do that. Lots of their time is already spent voluntarily coaching the children respective sports skills, they should not have to wander around the area clearing up after owners of dogs.

So come on all dog owners – if you wish to enjoy the companionship and other pleasures of dog ownership, do the decent thing!

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