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Formal Opening of Green Lane

by Haddenham Webteam – 24th September 2018
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green lane opening ceremony 01green lane opening ceremony 02mark nicholsongillian cannon 01green lane3linda clark39s cakecynthia floud39s cake

The newly widened and surfaced Green Lane bridleway was officially opened on Sunday afternoon, 23rd September.

Thankfully the heavy rain that had drenched Haddenham for the preceding 24 hours had abated and the event was bathed in glorious Autumn sunshine.

Given that rainfall, it was all the more impressive that the bridleway was perfectly navigable on foot, bicycle, skateboard or even mobility scooter, all thanks to the newly laid tarmac surface – a far cry from the muddy, overgrown and narrow footpath that had existed previously.

Speakers at the opening ceremony were Roderick Floud on behalf of the Village Society, AVDC Councillor Judy Brandis, David Truesdale, Chairman of Haddenham Parish Council, Green Lane Project Manager Robyn Thorogood and Cynthia Floud, Chair of the Haddenham Safe Walking & Cycling Group.

Tributes were paid to the landowners who had kindly cooperated in allowing the widening work to take place, and special thanks were extended to Mark Nicholson, the local contractor, who had carried out the work despite some very inhospitable Winter weather conditions and going well beyond his contracted obligations to achieve remarkable results.

Cynthia Floud alluded to the fact that a small number of residents had expressed serious concerns over the project but hoped that the vast majority of the Haddenham community would rejoice in the new safe walking and cycling facilities that Green Lane now offered. She was delighted to see that one member of the group present for the opening ceremony had actually arrived on an electric mobility scooter.

The formal ribbon-cutting duties were conducted by Gillian Cannon, owner of 'Redmayes' cottage and land along the eastern edge of the bridleway on its northern section to the A418.

Afterwards, celebration cakes (kindly prepared by Linda Clarke and Cynthia Floud) were cut and enthusiastically consumed by those present to welcome the new pathway. Refreshments were provided by Chris Thorogood.

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