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Gang Show a Great Success!

by Francesca Flaxton – 16th March 2015
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Haddenham Gang Show raises over £500!

Around 90 young members and their leaders from the Haddenham Scouting and Guiding groups put on a spectacular range of performances at Saturday's Gang Show in Haddenham Village Hall. Rainbows, Beavers, Brownies, Cubs and Scouts performed hilarious sketches, instrumental solos and lots of traditional and modern songs to a capacity audience.

Highlights included a tear-jerking performance of 'Let it Go' by the Haddenham Rainbows dressed as princesses and some incredible individual solos on the violin, keyboards, drums, guitars and harp.

There was a traditional and rousing finish to the evening as all the young people and audience were invited to join in with 'Ging Gang Goulie' and 'We're riding along on the Crest of a Wave'!

Parents and leaders said afterwards that their children had 'loved it' and that it had been a 'truly inspiring and uplifting' evening.

The idea to run a Gang Show came from Cub Leader, Richard Lay, who co-ordinated the event and put together the programme with support from other leaders. Richard's aims were to give the young people an opportunity to perform in front of their peers, parents and friends and at the same time raise some funds to invest back into the local community.

An amazing £537 was raised from entry fees, raffle and refreshments and it was decided at the end of the evening to donate this to the new Haddenham Defibrillator appeal, so the whole community will benefit from the event.

It is planned to run the Haddenham Gang Show every other year, so look out for an evening in 2017 not to be missed!

Lots more photos posted in our GALLERIES section

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