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GD: Change of Use Appeal

by Haddenham Webteam – 18th March 2020
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green dragonchange of use

From the Green Phoenix group, fighting to resist 'Change of Use' of the Green Dragon

As we are sure you are aware the owner of the Green Dragon (James Collins) was refused planning permission to convert the Pub into residential use.

Mr Collins subsequently appealed and seems quite annoyed that we are a "noisy" minority who are blocking the legitimate development of an 'unviable' pub. As we have constantly argued the Green Dragon is not unviable and has been unsuccessful in recent years for a number of reasons not least because of onerous financial provisions placed upon it. It has been (and can be again) a very viable business and a community asset.

Mr Collins argues that the Pub can't be sold as a going concern because no one wants to buy it and therefore it is only right that it is converted into a house. He has placed a hefty overage charge on the Pub meaning that any purchaser would have to pay him 70% of any onward sales profits. This would act to prevent future owners from accessing finance and also leads to the inevitable point that nobody would invest a large amount of time and energy into a business which would then relinquish 70% of any upside to the previous owner.

There are several local purchasers lined up who want to run it as a good quality food-based public house. This is what the community has said it wants.

The planning appeal process (which is heard and considered by a Government inspector) ends this week and we urge you to restate your objections, including any new ones as soon as possible to (hopefully) once and for all put this issue to bed.

As we are sure you are all very much aware we live in very precarious times and when we come though this period of isolation we will need our community assets more than ever. Accordingly, we consider it vital that you voice your objections to this appeal as loudly and as NOISILY as possible!

The documents for the planning appeal can be found here:

If you wish to add any further comments and make many statements you can do so as follows:

Site Address: The Green Dragon 8 Churchway Haddenham Buckinghamshire HP17 8AA

Proposal: Change of use public house to single residential dwelling.

Appeal by: Mr James Collins

Application Ref: 19/03535/APP Appeal Ref: 19/00098/REF

Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/J0405/W/20/3245096

If you wish to add any further comments, please send 3 copies to the Planning Inspectorate within five weeks of the appeal start date (18Feb20), quoting the Planning Inspectorate reference number (above).

You can do so online at: https://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk

If you do not have access to the internet, you can send your comments to: The Planning Inspectorate, 3 Hawk Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN.

Stay noisy people......

Jamie, Nick, Jon & the GP Team
The Green Phoenix Team.

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