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Gentle Exercise for over-50s

by Haddenham Webteam – 21st August 2013
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As part of the Bucks County Council Adult Learning Programme, gentle exercise classes are offered in Haddenham for people aged 50 and over. The classes run on Monday mornings at the Youth & Community Centre, from 9.30-10.30am, and the next course of ten sessions begins on 30th September.

The course aims to help participants to improve their level of fitness and stamina, and should help them to remain active and supple.

It is suitable for anyone who wants to work at their own level through a variety of gentle exercises to music, toning and stretching.

During the course participants are able to work at their own pace through a warm-up session, workout and relaxation, to tone, strengthen and improve mobility and flexibility. The sessions are enjoyable and friendly. The programme leader will guide participants through various exercises and routines to build strength and exercise all the muscles, sometimes with optional use of weights or resistance bands.

As a result participants will:

  • feel the benefits of regular exercise and increased well being;
  • improve or maintain your mobility;
  • improve or maintain your strength;
  • improve or maintain your stamina.

After the programme of 10 sessions has been completed it is possible to rejoin the course to develop and maintain fitness and strength.

Participants are asked to bring a mat or towel, a drink and wear loose, comfortable clothing and trainers if possible (or soft shoes).

Summary of Course:

Exercise – Gentle 50+

Course date: 30th September 2013
Course time: 9:30am – 10:30am
Location: Youth & Community Centre
Course code: R1SF36AAO
Course duration: 10 weeks
Price £50

You can find out more about this programme here

To enrol on this programme, please click here

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