Constable George Dixon might not take kindly to the idea of his Dock Green colleagues messing around with their new fangled smartphones rather than concentrating on the jobs they're paid to perform. Doubtless he'd rather they concentrated on tweaking the ears of unruly yobos and feeling the collars of local crooks and villains. But that was then, and this is now. Clearly, Thames Valley Police are rather keen to demonstrate their 'cool and contemporary credentials' by indulging in a Twitter-fest.
Hence, the Aylesbury Vale local police will be hosting a 'day in the life of a local policing area' via Twitter, on Thursday 6th February, from 7am to 12 midnight.
The core aim claimed for their Twitter-fest (or "tweetathon" as they prefer to call it) is to give an insight and raise awareness of the different types of incidents, responses and community activities that officers are involved with throughout the day on the Aylesbury Vale local policing area.
Apparently, the Aylesbury Vale policing team will be tweeting about the variety of different policing activities and work being undertaken by the officers to tackle crime, engage with the local community and keep members of the public safe.
Inspector James Davies said: "The tweetathon is a great opportunity to highlight the range of policing activities and work undertaken by officers on a day to day basis.
"We aim to inform the local community about the work the local policing area is involved with and share some important crime prevention advice to help prevent members of the public from becoming a victim of crime.
"Social media is a great way for the police to actively engage with the communities we serve and this tweetathon provides a two-way online communication, allowing the local community to get involved and raise any concerns they may have with the local policing team.
"This tweetathon will hopefully, give members of the local community a better understanding of policing and the work undertaken by officers to reduce crime and keep the community safe, across the 350 square miles of the Aylesbury Vale. We hope our followers will find it interesting and informative."
We'd better make sure our phones and tablets are fully charged then ...!
If you have the time and a vague inclination to engage, you can get involved by re-tweeting TVP tweets or using the hash tag #TVPinaday, follow the Twits (sorry, Tweets) @TVP_Aylesbury