Lovers of beautiful English gardens have a treat in store this coming Sunday, when Haddenham & District Age Concern (HADAC) will be hosting an Open Gardens event to raise funds for their vital work on behalf of the senior residents of the village.
No less than seven delightful and interesting gardens will open from 2.00pm until 6.00pm on Sunday 29th June, thanks to the following generous folk:
Within our beautiful village, with its fine church, village green, duck ponds and unique Wychert walls, you will find a variety of colourful garden styles.
Why not stroll round them and enjoy the wonderful range while at the same time helping to raise funds for a very worthwhile cause?
Tickets and Refreshments at Haddenham Scout & Guide Centre, Banks Parade, Haddenham, HP18 8EE. Cost: £5.00 adults, accompanied children free.
Futher details from Graham Oliver – Tel: 01844 291785