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Haddenham Ceilidhs

by Haddenham Webteam – 6th May 2016
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jeff warneralbireoceilidh dancers 01

Organiser John Heydon invites you to the Ceilidh and Concert on Saturday 7th May at Haddenham Village Hall.

For the Ceilidh in the main hall, dancing starts at 8pm with music provided by Albireo and Lisa Heywood calling the dances.

Albireo are one of the top ceilidh bands from the north-west. The band features Tom Kitching on fiddle & mandolin, Howard Jones on melodeon anglo concertina, hammered dulcimer and recorder, Steve Hodgskiss on piano and English concertina, Peter Crowther on bass guitar and keyboard and Sean Bechhofer on guitar.

Meanwhile, the concert in the Walter Rose Room will start at 8.40pm with a short spot from compere, Kitty Vernon, followed by a 20 minute spot from Joe Allen and Friends and then two 45 minutes spots from the main guest of the evening, Jeff Warner.

Doors open 7.15pm, dancing starts at 8pm. and an admission charge of £11, lets you dance or enjoy the concert or perhaps a bit of both! The " House Full " sign only goes up rarely as the village hall is a large space, but if you are concerned about gaining admission on the evening, just email or telephone John Heydon and he will reserve tickets for you on the door.

For more information, contact John at Action Folk, John's House, 5 Church Street, Aylesbury, Bucks. HP20 2QP:
Tel: 07717 047039:
Email: john@actionfolk.co.uk:

Full details of the programme up to June 2016 are available on the Haddenham Ceilidhs' website

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