In January 2017 the Haddenham Village Society organised the first Community Fair which was very successful – 50 groups set out their stalls to introduce their activities to villagers and particularly to newly arrived residents.
It was supported on the day by 400 participants and visitors and proved to be a vibrant and welcoming event to a Village, which has a reputation for its friendliness, and a way of encouraging families and individuals to become more involved in village societies, clubs, and charitable organisations.
Another community fair is being organised for this year:
Saturday, 22nd September 2018
2.00-5.00pm in the Village Hall
If you, or your group, would like to participate in this year's Community Fair, or you would like to help in the organisation of the event, please contact Mike Mingos:
Tel. 01844 291557
A brochure summarising the activities of village clubs and societies is being produced in conjunction with Haddenham Parish Council and will be available on the day of the Fair. So please take the opportunity to update your previous entry or send an introduction to any newly formed groups which will be represented at the Community Fair for the first time.