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Haddenham Community Fair

by Haddenham Webteam – 23rd January 2017
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A big thumbs up to the Haddenham Village Society and all the stall holders, stand presenters and demonstration providers, who helped to make the Community Fair such a wonderful event on Saturday afternoon, 21st January.

The initiative came from executive committee member Mike Mingos, with support from his fellow members of the Village Society committee. A particular mention should also go to Peter Quilleash who volunteered to take over and run the refreshment cafe at very short notice when a commercial provider unfortunately had to drop out unexpectedly.

The event attracted a very wide range of clubs, societies and organisations and very clearly demonstrated how easy it is to find activities to join in with and enjoy in the village of Haddenham.

It was also a striking demonstration of the degree to which so many individuals contribute their time and talents as volunteers to make the Haddenham community such an enriching place in which to live.

Over 50 organisations were represented, including some providing live demonstrations. Lots of effort had also gone into making the information stands attractive and informative. Here's a list of those represented:

St Mary's Church
Church of the Good Shepherd
Haddenham Methodist Church
Dinton-cum-Haddenham Baptist Church

Florence Nightingale Hospice
Abbeyfield Haddenham Society
Haddenham and District Age Concern (HADAC)
HADAC Art Group

Conservation, Gardens and Horticulture
Haddenham Horticultural Society
Snakemoor Local Nature Reserve
Townsend Community Orchard
Turn End Trust

Cycling, Walking and Fitness
Jazzercise Classes
Haddenham Yoga Classes
Simply Walk
Haddenham Safe Walking and Cycling Group

Buckinghamshire Genealogical Society
Haddenham Arts
Haddenham & District Rotary Club
Haddenham Community Library
Haddenham Museum
'No Fear' Bridge Club
The Sixty Plus Club
University of the Third Age (U3A)
Haddenham WI
Hunca Munca Toddler Group
The Fish Scheme
Red Kite Local Radio

Music, Theatre, Film
Haddenham Church Bell Ringers
Haddenham Handbell Ringers
'Haddenham Screen' Community Cinema
Ceilidhs and Acoustic Concerts
Haddenham Hoofers
Haddenham Mummers
Haddenham Players
Haddenham Youth Theatre
Ponderosa Line Dance Club
Sing in the Vale Community Choir
Tea Dances
Thame Chamber Choir
The Vibe Acoustic Cafe
Witchert Chorale

Haddenham Youth Football Club
Haddenham Tennis Club
Haddenham Karate Club
Haddenham Short Mat Bowls
Haddenham Badminton Club

Uniformed Organisations
Haddenham Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
Haddenham Beavers, Cubs and Scouts

Haddenham.net ~ community website & Facebook page

Live demonstrations were provided by:
Performances (in Main Hall) Haddenham Hoofers
Haddenham Handbell Ringers
Haddenham Mummers
Haddenham Players
Jazzercise Classes
Haddenham Karate Club
The Vibe Acoustic Cafe
Ponderosa Line Dance Club

Few could argue with the fact that, if you're fit and well enough to get out-and-about, Haddenham offers a tremendous wealth of activities to embrace, friends to meet and a sense of wellbeing to be enjoyed in this village.

A wonderful event – sincere thanks to all who helped to make it happen.

More photographs can be seen in the GALLERIES section of this website.

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