Haddenham's first 10K road and fieldpath race took place on Sunday 8th May, organised by the PTAs of the three village schools to raise funds for their respective schools.
A very well organised event had its start and finish at Haddenham Community Junior School, with a group warm-up hosted by folks from Fitlife gym.
Despite the additonal challenges faced by runners in negoitiating stiles and gates along the route, the times achieved were quite remarkable, especially by the first few back.
The first four runners were:
1st | Harry Pettingell | 37:42 |
2nd | Mark Cox | 41:13 |
3rd | Dom Butler | 44:02 |
4th | Ben Towersey | 45:28 |
1st | Emily Hollis | 43:52 |
2nd | Clementine Boyd | 44:48 |
3rd | Ellen McNeelance | 49:41 |
4th | Hayley Rees | 50:00 |
The full set of results can be viewed by clicking on the PDF featured on this page.
Congratulations to all runners – the weather turned warm and many found it rather tough going!
Photos of all the runners can be found here
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