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Haddenham Gates 2024

by Haddenham Webteam – 12th May 2024
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The Haddenham Gates 10K was held on Sunday 12th May, raising money for the three local school PTAs.
The weather was glorious but very hot for all the brave runners.


1st Philip HAMMICK 41:59
2nd Craig ALCOCK 43:09
3rd Richard BINKS 43:47

1st Emily HOLLIS 45:34
2nd Amy WOOTTEN 46:11
3rd Becca BULLOCK 48:01

Photographs of all finishers have been uploaded to the Haddenham Flickr page
(Please don't be put off by the complicated 'cookies' options that may first appear – just scroll down to the bottom and 'accept all' to view the portfolio).
If you know any runners, please let them have the following link – they are welcome to download and keep a copy of any photographs for their own use.
Here's the link:

Thank You ....

Organisers would likle to erxtend their sincere thanks to everyone who helped make the event happen:

The people who donate money, time & resources to ensure we can stage events like this are an enormous part of the success of the day. This is a long list, but we don't want to miss anyone out. Please support their businesses and organisations just as they supported us. We are so lucky to live in such a great community.

Our partners Fitlife_uk who sponsor and host the day for us. Their strapline is feel fit, love life and haddenhamgates epitomises that.

Our financial sponsors bwksolicitors, haddenhamhealthcare, nickwhitneyengineering, fluentitsolutions, lancastersaccountants and jslcarpentry

Haddemhamrotary for supplying the majority of marshals, some road signs and the prizes for the two winners

Sevenstarsdinton for providing Prosecco for the top 3 male & female runners

Ontheboundaryfencing for supplying the toilets

Harpersestateagents for the signs around the village

xyz_musicgroup for the sound system and music

Resound for the radios

Elev8therapies for pre & post race taping & massage and their generous donation

Haddenham parish council for the loan of road signage

The following for goodie bag contributions: bwksolicitors, lastinteriordesign, elev8therapies, ordanscereals, wearethewobblies, memphiesltd, kaso_studios and movewellmassage

Haddenham Lodge for providing the BBQ and a large donation of their profits to the fund

The Whistler, Haddenham for running the bar for us

Refuelled.coffee for the awesome coffee and their generous pitch fee donation

BWK solicitors for the fun run sweets

Bloomingfruity_haddenham for their free fruit prizes for the fun runners and their delicious treats on the stall

Adeleappas for providing the inflatables and their generous donation

All the organisations who had stalls to keep the children entertained throughout the day: chufhaddenham, haddenhamstmarys_pta, haddenhaminfantschoolpta, hyfcclub, haddenhambrownies and haddenhamyouththeatre .

All the many people who volunteered.

And lastly (but most definitely not least!) Haddenham Junior School for allowing us to host the event on their site and for all the staff who volunteer out of hours to help open and close up the site.

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