A talent show was held in the Youth and Community Centre, Woodways, on Saturday 1st September and what a 'royal variety performance' it proved to be!
A capacity audience enjoyed a wonderful evening of entertainment, provided by local homegrown talent of all ages. A truly delightful evening, and lots of fun.
Every one of the acts deserved a medal for the sheer entertainment value. However, in the spirit of a Talent Show, one winner was decided by audience voting. And the winner was ....
Miss Timberlake*
who sang an Adele number that had the whole audience captivated in admiration and delight. Encore!
All money raised from the event will be going to 'Path to Africa', a charity supported by Hannah Bourke who, sadly, died recently (aged 19) following an epileptic fit. The evening was held in her memory.
Path to Africa (PTA) aims to give direct help to local small-scale organisations in Moshi town, northern Tanzania. Currently, PTA has undertaken to construct the Corner Stone Children's Centre, in connection with local organisation Tanzania Children's Concern, to provide access to quality education and a safe living environment to a number of orphaned or vulnerable children.
To see photographs, click here
* Haddenham.net does not publish the names of minors.