The Haddenham Museum is a wonderful resource, and its existence depends utterly on the goodwill of a small number of individuals who give up their time to build and maintain the collection of local historical artefacts and act as hosts during the museum opening hours. If you've not yet discovered the museum, read more about it here.
Now the Museum Trustees are looking to recruit more local folk to help.
New Sunday Stewards Required
Have you any spare time on Sundays? Haddenham Museum is open from March to December each year and is looking for new Sunday Stewards to help out approximately once a month between 2 – 4.30 pm. A Museum Trustee opens the Museum and checks everything is in order before the Stewards take over to welcome and assist visitors and to sell items of interest. The Trustee, having checked any money received, ensures that the Museum is secure before locking up at 4.30 pm.
The Trustee on duty will help familiarise new stewards with the layout of the artefacts and procedures before their first session of duty. Where possible a new steward will be paired with an experienced one and no steward is ever left alone in the Museum.
Please contact Ken Perry on 01844 290448 if you are interested in becoming involved with one of our village's most fascinating activities.
New Trustee Also Required
The Museum is also looking to appoint a new Trustee to act as Secretary to the Trustees. The Secretary would fulfil the duties of a Trustee by opening and closing the Museum approximately once a month; helping stewards as required; supporting the Museum in village events (e.g. the Village Fete, the Community Fair, the Christmas Tree Festival). The Secretary would also be required to attend and take minutes at the Trustees' Committee Meetings, held approximately once every two months, and distributing them on line. The Museum publishes a newsletter to members several times a year and the Trustees deliver these to members' houses, although increasingly members are receiving their copies on line. The Secretary also minutes the Annual General Meeting, held once a year in July.
If you would be interested in this important – but not too onerous – community activity, please contact Alan Rose, Chairman of the Trustees, on 01844 291004.
Although the Museum needs Sunday Stewards most urgently, the Tuesday opening between 10.00 and 12.00 noon March to December also has some vacancies for stewards. Please contact Ken Perry on 01844 290448 if Tuesday would be a better day for you.