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Haddenham Playscheme 2013

by Haddenham Webteam – 11th August 2013
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The Haddenham Playscheme ran at the Community Junior School all last week (5th-9th August), thanks to Rachael Bamford, Shelley Smith and their large team of helpers. The Playscheme is a community scheme run for local school children by volunteers for one week during the summer holidays. It has now been running for over 30 years!

Approximately 160 local children attended on each of the five days, aged 5-11 years, and they were able to enjoy an impressively wide range of activities, including: arts & crafts, cookery, woodwork, clay modelling, candle making, enamelling, dance workshops, specialist sports coaching, sewing, jewellery making, badge making, inflatable – and so much more! In addition, the Zorb Balls were a particularly popular option!

Rachael and Shelley would like to thank everyone who helped throughout the week: no less than 25 teenage helpers and 122 parents!

They wish to extend a special 'thank you' to all the activity co-ordinators – Phil Cringle (woodwork), Julie Coombs (cookery), Jo Carbray (flowercraft), Beverley Longley (Under 5s Club) and of course, Sarah Bullimore – "we really appreciate their hard work and dedication".

Planning for next year's Haddenham Playscheme starts in September. If anyone would like to get involved, please contact either Shelley or Rachael.

A large number of photographs from this year's Playscheme are featured in our GALLERIES section. If parents, grandparents or carers would like copies of images at higher resolutions than we are able to place on Haddenham.net, please contact the website editor at: haddenham.net@hotmail.com

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