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Haddenham Village Fete 2014

by Julia Woodcock – 28th April 2014
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Preparations are now well underway for this year's traditional village fete which takes place on Church End Green and Flint Street on Saturday 7th June from 1.00pm until 4.30pm.

You can expect music, prize draw, stalls galore and fun and games for all the family, even the opportunity to climb aboard a fire engine! There will be plenty of hot and cold refreshment options, including tea and cakes, a beer and Pimms tent and a hog roast. You will also have the chance to have a sneaky peek around some of the Flint Street gardens.

As well as turning up on the day, there are plenty of other ways you can get involved; and children under 16 you can enter a competition to design the front cover of the Haddenham Fete Programme.

Entries need to be submitted by 7th May. For more details, please click here

Donations of cakes for the refreshments cafe in St Mary's Centre are always extremely welcome – please bring your donations along on the morning of the fete.

If you are interested in having a stall at the Fete for yourself or your organisation, please contact Tim Armitt as soon as possible.
Tel: 01844 291720
Email: haddenhamfete@aol.com

Helping hands on the day would also much appreciated! If you can offer any practical assistance, please contact Tim Armitt via the above contact details.

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