Haddenham WI marked its 90th Anniversary with a celebration tea party, held at the Youth & Community Centre on Thursday 4th October.
The tea party was attended by Haddenham WI members and invited guests from other Bucks WI's, including Haddenham Witchert, Chearsley, Oakley, Long Crendon, Brill, Fairford Leys. Also present was the County Federation President Jean Morris and Federation Treasurer Beryl Coombes. Local Councillor Margaret Aston also attended.
Haddenham Brownies came along to serve the teas.
See photographs in our GALLERIES section.
Pictured (see GALLERIES) in the cake cutting are (L to R) Joyce Davis Haddm WI Secretary, Jean Morris County Federation President, Brenda Spencer Haddm WI President, Barbara Gray, Guest Speaker.
The Celebration cake was made and iced by WI members.
See more photographs in our GALLERIES section.