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Haddenham's Young Thespians

by Louise Tilbury – 16th February 2014
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"It's been an exciting few months for Haddenham Youth Theatre!" Lynne Colley, director of Haddenham Youth Theatre enthuses. "With funding generously donated by Haddenham Beer Festival and Haddenham Lodge, we have been able to run five stage workshops which have been both great fun and hugely inspiring for us. They have included voice coaching, stage fighting, dance, physical theatre and theatrical make up.

The boys were not at all convinced that the make-up workshop would be interesting but soon changed their minds when they were taught how to create fake wounds on each other. Some of them were rather gory and very convincing!" (see top photo).

"We also have a brand new website, designed by Tom Colley, which we are very proud of. It has some fantastic photos of past productions and you can see how much fun we've been having over the years!"

Haddenham Youth Theatre is getting ready to present their forthcoming double bill The Willow Tree and The Tales of King Arthur. The junior group are performing The Willow Tree, a romantic story based on the legend of the Willow Pattern plate. The senior group presents a clever modern working of the classic Tales of King Arthur, charting Arthur's rise to the throne with magic, comedy and adventure.

Lynne says "We decided to significantly increase our publicity a few years ago and were absolutely thrilled to see larger audiences. In the past we sometimes had just handful of family members which was such a shame when our group have so much talent. We felt that if more people knew about us that they would want to support the group and they did. It is now so rewarding for our young people to play to a room full of people. We don't take our audiences for granted and would like give heartfelt thanks for their continued support."

"To enhance an evening with us we also offer a good quality and terrific value bar at our performances. We like to look after our loyal audiences! We offer a highly entertaining evening out, the satisfaction of supporting a local non-profit making group for young people, and a great bar. We think you will agree that for £6.00 a ticket for adults, this is wonderful value!"

Performances are on Friday 28th March 2014 doors open at 6.30p.m., performance commences at 7.00p.m.. Saturday 29th March doors open at 6.00p.m., performance commences at 6.30p.m. Venue: Haddenham Community Junior School, Woodways. Tickets are available from Blooming Fruity. Adults £6.00, children 16 years and under £4.00. For more information and to find out more about Haddenham Youth Theatre, see the website

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