Ever true to her word, Head Teacher Sue Roberts has placed into the public domain her Action Plan for Haddenham Community Junior School.
This follows the recent Ofsted Review of the school, carried out in December 2012, during which revised assessment criteria were applied. (To read more on the background, please click here).
Here's her Action Plan, in Summary:
Key priorities from most recent Ofsted:
Theme 1: Accelerating progress
Key Priorities:
To secure effective targeted teaching to close gaps in learning
To develop effective use of APP (Assessing Pupil Progress) to inform targets
To ensure effective Differentiation and Challenge
Example Actions:
To carry out focused learning walks to identify areas of strengths and specific issues with targeted teaching and marking
Carry out lesson observation with focus on progress
Literacy Coordinator and Numeracy Coordinator to share good practice with use of APP
Literacy Coordinator and Numeracy Coordinator attend county training on Challenge within their subjects
Staff Meetings on Challenge/Questioning and Differentiation
Theme 2: Teaching and Learning
Key Priorities:
To secure effective feedback marking to ensure pupils understand their next steps in learning and act on them.
To secure effective use of mini-plenaries with resulting adjustments to teaching
To ensure that assessment informs planning through effective use of APP
Example Actions:
Staff meeting on pupil response to next step marking. TA training All staff using mini-plenaries to adjust teaching as required Joint Observations of Maths and action planning with Numeracy Coordinator and County advisor Joint Observations of English and action planning with Literacy Coordinator and County advisor Joint Observations with Headteacher and County Advisor
Theme 3: Leadership and Management
Key Priorities:
Documentation for monitoring is reviewed to ensure it reflects school priorities
Maths and Literacy leaders to take more responsibility for the teaching of their subjects
Example Actions:
Literacy and Numeracy Coordinators develop proforma for work scrutinies which reflect development plan priorities
Literacy and Numeracy Coordinators and other SLT members continue to carry out termly work scrutinies
Numeracy Coordinator reiterates principles of APP in maths
Literacy and Numeracy Coordinators observe lessons and feedback to staff Pupil interviews with HT – Jan and July, using same questions as evidence of impact
Progress of target pupils monitored termly