Haddenham Community Junior School is holding an Open Evening on Wednesday 13th November, from 6-8pm.
Come and see the school's fantastic new ICT suite (opened in September 2013 by the Rt Hon John Bercow, MP)
HCJS can offer the following:
Consistently above average SATS results
Extensive playing fields and an all-weather sports pitch
A wide choice of extra-curricular activities and is strong in drama, sport and music
Class sizes below 30 (22 pupils in each of the current year 3 classes)
94% of parents say 'My child is taught well at this school.' *
*Annual Parent Survey, July 2013
Haddenham Community Junior School, Woodways, Haddenham, HP17 8DS
Tel: 01844 291829
website: www.haddenham-jun.bucks.sch.uk