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Health Trust Communications

by Haddenham Webteam – 7th August 2013
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Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust is on the back foot at the moment, in the wake of serious criticisms expressed in the Keogh Review. The health secretary recently announced that Bucks Healthcare NHS Trust is one of eleven hospital trusts which has been placed in special measures because of major failings.

Last month Anne Eden, Chief Executive of Bucks Healthcare NHS Trust, apologised to families and patients whose care at the county's hospitals was inadequate. She acknowledged the report had dented confidence in the NHS and affected staff morale.

Among the shortcomings noted for Bucks were nursing staff failures in dealing with patients' nutritional and medication needs and criticism over the care of patients with dementia.

As part of its efforts to rebuild patient trust, establish better communications and become more accountable, the Trust has this week launched a new blog for patients, the public and staff called Every Patient Counts.

As well as using the blog to share with patients the work the Trust is doing to improve and develop care, quality and the patient experience, Trust leaders want the public to get involved, by posting comments and questions, sharing ideas and taking part in discussions.

The Trust claims that it will be posting blogs regularly. For example, click here to see the latest message by Lynne Swiatczak, chief nurse and director of patient care standards.

The public can also keep up-to-date with what is going on at Buckinghamshire Healthcare via its website: www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk or on twitter: @BucksHealthcare.

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