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HHS Annual Show 2024

by Haddenham Webteam – 8th September 2024
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The Haddenham Horticultural Society held its 2024 Autumn show in the village hall on Saturday 7th September, with an impressive number of entries across the many categories.

Organisers were especially pleased to see lots of entries in the children's sections, which bodes well for the future of such events.

A full report will be published here shortly, once the organisers have had chance to draw together all the data across the many different classes.

In the meantime, a small number of illustrative photographs are available in the Galleries section of this website, with many more to enjoy on the Haddenham Flickr page – see here

Report From Gay Jordan

After the strange weather that we have been experiencing in recent summers we are always somewhat concerned about how many entries we will get, particularly in the vegetable and flower classes, and what effect it will have on the quality of those entries. However, like last year, this concern proved to have been unfounded. Indeed, there was an excellent standard of exhibits across most of the classes, not just the horticultural ones. We were pleased that the entries for the photography classes, which were virtually non-existent last year, had recovered in number, and the majority of the other classes were also well supported.

We were also pleased that the total number of exhibitors in the open classes was higher than both last year and the year before, including welcoming some first-time entrants. We were particularly delighted with the considerable increase in the number of youngsters who entered the special children's classes, almost double those in 2022 and an amazing four times as many as last year. We also had entrants in the in the over 13 but under 18 age group for the first time in three years.

The special prize given by Haddenham Rotary Club for the best exhibit in the children's section was presented by their representative to Julian Beattie, for a model of an RNLI inshore rescue boat made of recycled material, although the judge said it had been a tough decision in view of the high standard of many of the entries. The Ian Chalk and the Jean Chalk Trophies were presented by one of their sons, Michael, who also kindly presented the other trophies in the absence through illness of Mick Penn, our President.

The number of visitors to the Show had also increased, with people still coming in near to the closing time. We also received many favourable comments about the Show itself, with everyone seeming to enjoy themselves as always, with the wide range of classes providing something of interest for all. There were also the usual refreshments, a raffle and a tombola, and a plant stall also selling produce and home-made crumbles.

As usual, we will review the schedule over the next few months to see where changes might prove beneficial and are always open to receiving suggestions from outside the committee.

Finally, we would like to say a huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped setting up in advance and on Show day, who play no small part in making the Show the success that it is, and indeed without whom we would not be able to function. Also very many thanks to all those who very kindly donated raffle and tombola prizes.

Trophy & Special Award Winners

A full listing of the Trophy Winners as well as the Special Award Winners can be read or downloaded by clicking on the respective PDF located by the images on this webpage

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