Haddenham Horticultural Society is hosting its Spring Show and Plant Sale on Saturday 29th April in the village hall.
Admission is free.
In addition to the wide range of plants for sale, there are other stalls selling cakes, savoury items and preserves; books and jigsaws; as well as a "white elephant" stall. Why not come along and pick up a few bargains! Donations of items for the stalls will also be very welcome. There is also a raffle and a "£1 in the bucket" competition, and tea and coffee are available at very reasonable prices.
The plant sale and stalls open from 9.00am and viewing of the Show exhibits is from 10.00 – 11.20am, followed by the draw for the raffle.
Entering Exhibits:
The show offers classes for a range of Spring flowers and shrubs, etc. as well as for alpines, cacti, and flower and foliage pot plants. In addition there are three classes for flower arrangements, including an interpretive class with the title "It's Springtime".
Exhibit Deadline:
Entries for the show close on Thursday 27th April
Details from Gay Jordan – Tel: 01844 291490; Email: hortsoc@kiboko.freeserve.co.uk