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Homemade in Haddenham

by Haddenham Webteam – 5th October 2013
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'Homemade in Haddenham' – a demonstration and celebration of local food and crafts – was held in the Village Hall on Saturday 5th October.

The annual event, now in its third year, is organised by Haddenham in Transition and has a particular focus on locally produced foods, but also embraces a wide range of crafts and locally made products.

According to Kirsten Shaw, one of the organisers, "buying local products makes sense for many reasons. Produce can be fresher, it keeps money in the local economy, you can keep in touch with the seasons and, best of all, it can be fun finding out about the producers of the food and crafts that make this area special. Locally bought food often tastes much better too, as it will have travelled less and so the period from harvesting or preparation to plate is therefore much shorter."

"Haddenham in Transition aims to promote local food production in gardens and allotments and in the surrounding fertile land close to the village. We want to see affordable local food available to everybody and to encourage and promote alternatives to supermarkets and processed food."

As well as a wide range of stalls exhibiting and selling food and crafts, the 'Homemade in Haddenham' event also featured a number of live talks and demonstrations, and the opportunity to turn a bumper harvest of apples into freshly pressed juice.

Talks included:

  • Making your own cider, by Rob Daniels
  • Making and using felt, by Sharon Howard
  • An introduction to basic sewing skills by Pam Grey
  • Making a Christmas stollen, by Ailsa Bond
  • A talk on self-sufficiency by Jim Mackellar

Clicking on any of the images shown here will provide a larger version for viewing.

To see many more photographs from the event, please visit our GALLERIES

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