On Saturday 11th October Haddenham in Transition will be running its fourth great and glorious event "Homemade in Haddenham", greater and grander than ever. If you haven't visited in previous years, you are in for a treat at Haddenham's very own local foods and crafts festival.
The event will take place in and around the Village Hall from 10am – 2pm and there will be all sorts of stalls including:
Any profits from the day will go towards trying to make our community stronger and more resilient – that is, we want to try to help our village to become as self-sustaining as possible. We want to make the best use of the brilliant resources we have here, making sure they don't go to waste and saving money and the environment into the bargain! Last year, for example, we bought pasteurising equipment which we loan out to individuals and groups along with our apple press. Now your glut of apples needn't go on the compost heap; you can make and pasteurise apple juice which will keep all year, and with the huge and healthy crop that is on the trees this year, that counts for quite a lot!
If you would like to be actively involved we are looking for volunteers – can you give an hour to help with refreshments, donate a homemade cake, bread or soup? Can you help with the apple pressing, setting up or clearing away? Would you like a table to show off the crafts or food you can produce? If so, please get in touch with Alison (291553) or Kirsten (291586)
Whatever happens, come for a great day out on Saturday 11th October, from 10am-2.00pm