The Haddenham Horticultural Society's Spring Show and Plant Sale took place on Saturday 27th April.
It is always something of a gamble predicting what spring flowers will still be at their best by show time, and given the particularly cold weather this year, the uncertainty was even more acute. However, this year's late spring – or perhaps more traditionally timed if one goes back a few years – meant that there was a good selection of tulips, daffodils, etc. from which to choose.
The Show is always a much more modest affair than our major show in the autumn (this year on 7th September), as it is intended to add a bit of colour to the Hall, with the main purpose of the day being raising funds for our other activities during the year from the plant and other stalls. Nevertheless, the classes were still keenly contested and also much admired and appreciated by visitors to the Show, judging by the comments received.
David Capon won the Bob Hutchings Cup for the most points in the flower classes, judged by Len Bellis, and Gay Jordan the Ken Lane Memorial Trophy for the most points gained in the floral art classes, judged by Joy Payne. David and Gay were also joint winners of the prize for the most points gained across all the classes.
David won the classes for three daffodils or narcissi of the same variety with a particularly fine exhibit, as well as the classes for mixed varieties of daffodils/narcissi and for three stems of any other bulb or corm flower. Gay won the class for "Red, white or rose?" (an arrangement in a wine glass) and the tied or wired spring posy, and was second in the class
for a large arrangement with the theme "Spring Sunshine", as well as picking up points in some of the flower classes.
Other winners of individual classes were: Jean Chalk for three tulips of the same variety; Michael Hurle for three mixed tulips and for a pot plant in flower; Sue Heath for three stems of polyanthus; Pat Jones for three pansies and for a cactus or succulent; Jeanne Marshall for an alpine in flower; Christine Wheeler-Cherry for a foliage pot plant; Christina Jeffrey for three stems of flowering shrubs/trees as well as for three stems of foliage shrubs/trees; Ingrid Holmes for three stems of any other flower; and Olive Capon for the "Spring Sunshine" floral art class.
As always, the Society would like to thank all helpers and visitors who contributed to making the Show a great success once again.
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