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Hoticultural Show Report 2019

by Gay Jordan – 12th September 2019
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On behalf of the Haddenham Horticultural Society, Gay Jordan writes:

We were delighted to see an increase in the number of exhibitors entering the open classes at the show (80 individuals compared with 2018's 63 and 2017's 72). Moreover, unlike last year, very few of those only went in for one or two classes, so the overall number of classes entered was well up at 579.

Most classes were well supported and very few failed to attract any entries. As usual, we will review the schedule over the next few months to see where changes might prove beneficial and are always open to receiving suggestions from outside the committee.

The number of exhibitors in the special children's classes also showed a very pleasing increase over the past few years, with 21 children entering 129 classes. We had changed the age groups this year, with classes for the under 5s, 5 to 8 years, 9 to 12 years and 13 to 15 years. The first two groups were well supported, but we were disappointed that once again there were no entrants in the oldest age group and not many in 9 to 12 group.

From the door receipts the number of visitors to the Show also showed an increase and once again we were delighted to receive many favourable comments, with people seeming to enjoy themselves as always with the wide range of classes providing something of interest for everyone.

Our thanks to Carol Mason for capturing photos for the community website – dispalyed in the Galleries section.

The competition results and special awards are summarised on the PDFs featured on this web page.

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