AVDC has recently announced that an appeal has been lodged against the decision to refuse planning permission for the conversion of the 'House of Spice' into seven dwellings. The proposed conversion will include the demolition of rear outbuilding, single storey rear lean-to element, single storey rear extension to east & porch and erection of replacement single storey rear lean-to extensions, external alterations, parking and amenity space.
The appeal is being dealt with by way of an Informal Hearing to be conducted by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.
A copy of any comments already submitted to AVDC in respect of the original application will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate.
If anyone wishes to add any further comments, they are asked to send three copies to be received by the Planning Inspectorate within five weeks of the appeal start date (i.e., before 10th January 2017), quoting the appeal reference number: APP/J0405/W/16/3158739.
Any comments made will be forwarded to all parties involved in the appeal. AVDC requests that new comments are not sent to them.
If you wish the Inspector to view the site from your property, please state this clearly in any correspondence sent to the Planning Inspectorate.
The address to send written representations is:
Initial Appeals
The Planning Inspectorate
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Bristol BS1 6PN
or you can submit your comments on-line here.
Haddenham Parish Council and the Village Society each submitted objections to AVDC when the original planning application was made. You can read the HVS comments by clicking on the PDF featured below the image on this page.