An appeal has been submitted to AVDC Planners in respect of their refusal to allow the proposed conversion of the House of Spice in Fort End to accommodation comprising seven dwellings.
We understand that the deadline to voice any comments, should you choose to do so, is Monday 16th January. You can 'Make Representation' here.
Below is the commentary submitted on Monday 9th January, by the executive committee of Haddenham Village Society.
Haddenham Village Society Input to Appeal
Conversion of 19 Fort End from Commercial Premises to 7 Dwellings
Planning Reference: 15/00980/APP
Appeal Reference: APP/J0405/W/16/3158739
1. Haddenham Village Society was formed 50 years ago to support the village and to preserve and enhance its special character; today its membership embraces some 300 households within the village, representing about 15% of the population.
2. In April 2015, the Society forwarded a detailed objection to the proposed change of use, on the grounds that:
a. The loss of this amenity at the heart of the village was contrary to the overall strategy of the draft Haddenham Neighbourhood Plan.
b. There were additional concerns about the inadequate provision of parking bays, which would exacerbate existing problems of local on-road parking at Fort End, to the detriment of the Conservation Area.
3. These objections remain valid and are further strengthened by the following:
a. The Haddenham Neighbourhood Plan has now been made, and change of use would be contrary to Policy HWS2 (Protecting Community Amenities) of the Neighbourhood Plan, which states that:
"The retention and enhancement of local services and community facilities including shops, pubs, food outlets and commercial services will be supported. Proposals involving the loss of facilities will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that they are no longer financially viable whilst proposals to change the use of an asset must demonstrate that all reasonable steps have been taken to retain its present use and community value as a viable concern."
b. The draft Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan indicates a strong possibility that more houses will be built in Haddenham than indicated in the Haddenham Neighbourhood Plan, with further houses likely to be built in the vicinity. This is likely to increase the financial viability of this amenity within the village, and make any change of use even less appropriate.
4. Haddenham Village Society strongly urges the Inspector to reject the Appeal.
Graham Tyack
Hon. Secretary
Haddenham Village Society (Registered Charity Number 249434)
Email c/o:
Here's the appeals link once again, if you which to add your own comments