Plans are coming together for an extension to Haddenham St Mary's CE School, to accommodate an intake bulge in the Reception year.
The proposal is for a two-classroom extension with toilets and store to accommodate a half form entry and existing one form entry.
If the plans are approved, the school building will be extended to the East (i.e., in the direction of Tiggywinkles) as shown in the accompanying figures.
The parish council has expressed some concerns, however, given that there is no public access to the school other than via the footpath through the grounds of St Mary's Church, and this constraint already creates serious vehicle congestion and parking problems at school start and finish times even before school intake numbers grow further.
In the view of the parish council, parking pressures from school traffic cause damage to Church End Green is which is very much part of the Conservation Area.
Much larger images can be viewed by clicking on those shown above.
Members of the public are invited to submit their own comments here.