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Ignoring Traffic Management?

by Haddenham Webteam – 10th April 2017
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dollicot access lorry2

Haddenham parish councillor David Lyons has adopted a local traffic management issue as part of his campaign to be elected as a County Councillor.

He reports that some residents of Dollicott and nearby roads are feeling frustrated by the movement of heavy good vehicles as these travel to and from the current Cala Homes development.

When planning permission was granted for the development of luxury homes off Dollicott it was anticipated that the scheduling of vehicle movements would adhere to a Traffic Management Plan which restricts deliveries to and from the site to the hours of 10am to 5pm.

According to David Lyons, residents have complained of heavy lorries rumbling along Dollicott from as early as 7am. It also appears that some HGVs are accessing the site via Rudds Lane and are therefore having to negotiate the tight chicane at Townsend Green.

David claims that Cala has refused to comply with the requirements of the traffic management plan. Apparently he has received a message from Cala Homes' planning manager Neil Cottrel saying:

"It is intended that deliveries would take place, wherever possible, within the suggested time parameters of the submitted Construction Traffic Management Plan."

In response, David has said that "Intentions are of little comfort to the residents of Dollicott. Cala Homes have claimed that they are waiting for approval from AVDC's Planning Department – perhaps AVDC Planners are waiting for the building works to be completed before giving approval for traffic management plan?"

If you wish to comment, please contact David Lyons direct.
Tel. 07799 337024
Email bernwood@aylesburyvale.greenparty.org.uk.

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